Variables that play into Addiction and Recovery, and Alcoholism Awareness

This week the spotlight is on Erica Spiegelman, CADAC-II, Addiction and Wellness Specialist, California State Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor, and Author of Rewired: A Bold New Approach to Addiction & Recovery, which debuted as Amazon’s number ONE new release among drug and alcohol addiction books in 2015.

We will be discussing authenticity, honesty, alcoholism awareness, and ways to acknowledge our own personal power to return from the edge. Erica will discuss the essential tools and approaches that help to create a personalized treatment plan with a more holistic approach.

Personal anecdotes from Erica’s own struggles will be discussed, as well as other behaviors that can be used in conjunction with or instead of 12-step programs. As Erica says in Rewired, addicts are not broken people that need to be fixed — they just have a few crossed wires.

Guest Information

Erica Spiegelman